
Thank you for visiting my blog! I have provided some information about extreme weather and natural disasters. I have also provided some neat information about books for children. Weather, in Wisconsin, is usually studied in fourth grade. I have always been interested in weather and I know that many children, whether they are afraid of storms or absolutely love them, they are always interested in learning about the natural occurrences. The books, movie, and links I have provided below are exciting and educational, they will surely capture the interest of young readers. There is a variety of styles including informative, graphic novels, realistic fiction and some awesome books with great photos. As a teacher it is my goal to provide material that children will be interested in that also relates to the curriculum.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tornadoes by Seymour Simon

Non-Fiction Illustrated Book: Tornadoes
Author: Seymour Simon
Pages:  32
Grade Level: 6-7
Interest Level: 3-5

            Tornadoes is a great book to introduce younger students to the exciting and dangerous natural disaster: tornadoes. Page by page, author Seymour Simon, reveals new information and provides real photographs, maps, and diagrams to illustrate how these storms develop and the destruction they may cause. The pages have a lot of information packed in; the pages containing text are fairly long for a younger reader. The scientific facts are direct so readers can rattle off their newly learned information.
             It is so important for children, as well as adults, to understand how these storms work in order to remain calm and safe during a tornado. Schools celebrate Tornado Awareness Week in April; this would be a perfect time for teachers to discuss the warning signs of tornadoes and the safety precautions one must take in the event of a tornado. In Wisconsin, before fifth grade, students learn about weather and patterns/changes over time.   

For more information about awareness weeks visit: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/severeweather/severewxcal.shtml

Publisher: Marrow Junior Books
Publication Date: 1999
Source of Book: UW-Whitewater Library

Monday, November 21, 2011

What is a natural disaster?

According to the dictionary a natural disaster is any event or force of nature that has catastrophic consequences, such as an avalanche, earthquake, flood, forest fire, hurricane, lightning, tornado, tsunami, and volcanic eruption.